Thursday 11 August 2016

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is composed of several categories of Vitamins.  The eight B vitamins — B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 — play a significant role in keeping our bodies running like well-oiled machines. These important nutrients will help converting the  food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits — from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventingthe loss of memory or migraines.  
A few decades ago, millions of people died because they ate too little, and today, millions are dying either because they are eating too much because they are eating foods in the wrong way. The best policy to enjoy food and have a healthy and nurtured body is to know what to eat and what not to eat. Following a stable and balanced dietary policy is one way through which people can maintain their health and live better for a very long period. On the other hand, malnutrition, especially that resulting from the lack of a balanced diet can have a disastrous consequence for the body. Any modern person who really wants to avoid trouble with malnutrition should regularly see a dietitian who will study the needs of his or her body and who will prescribe a balanced diet that best suits the needs of the metabolic system. Vitamin B plays a crucial role in creating a balanced and healthy diet. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Vitamin A

It is important to note that Vitamin A is needed for normal vision, as well as bone growth, healthy skin, and protection of the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts that prevent infection.
The most common kind of malnutrition is the lack of vitamins and proteins in the food taken by the body. Vitamins are biological compounds that help the body maintain its health. The body must have a stable consumption of vitamins in order to carry out its functions. Lacking vitamins can lead to many problems. For example, lacking vitamin A can lead to night blindness, problems in the eyes and poor vision (Eastwood, 185). Deficiency in Vitamin B12, on the other hand, causes anemia and problems in the nervous system (Eastwood, 225).
Vitamin A is considered a n important antioxidant and it plays a very important role in helping a healthy vision as well as a proper neurological function and healthy skin. Furthermore, vitamin A leads to a slow aging. It is as well responsible for strong bones and the regulation of genes.

Vitamin a comes from a variety of sources that are colorful vegetables and fruits.

Eastwood, Martin. Principles of Human Nutrition. New York: Chapman & Hall,

Vitamin A Benefits. (2016). Retrieved from

Thursday 28 July 2016

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is considered one of the most effective and the safest nutrients. It can be used to treat and lessen the impact of cold. It has received a great attention as it is considered a great source of healthy sources of intakes. The benefits of Vitamin C may include as well protection against the immune systems and it leads to protection as well against eye diseases and even skin wrinkling. In addition, the food supplements with vitamin C contribute to better muscular strengths and overall physical performance. For these facts, these supplements are consumed by athletes around the work. They use these supplements as a way to improve their performance. In addition, they play another important role in preventing and fighting a variety of diseases and health problems. It is a source of a healthy diet.
Seeking rich vitamin C diets that are usually based on trying a variety of types of food, fruits and vegetables will help us discover other cultures. We try different food of different cultures. Therefore, seeking a balanced diet will help us discover the food of other people and thus, learn about the cultures.
In conclusion, we are living once in this life. We live for a short period of time. Why don’t we live healthy? Every person should look for the best diet to eat and thus, enjoy life to the fullest. Healthy Vitamin C intakes can have a variety of medical, cultural and other benefits to people. It is important to consider this fact and make the best choices of food. Otherwise, we will be at the risk of being obese and suffering from many medical and other problems that we can avoid at ease.

Crawford, N. (2011). Advantages and disadvantages of food supplements. Retrieved November 8         2013 from